
I love my lil alien.

He loves his new wagon. The neighbors up and left and literally left stuff behind. They were super kind in actually leaving a note as well as their propane grill and electric weed eater. But one day when my mom was down and knew of their point of no return, she got the forgotten wagon out of their yard, cleaned it, and now it is Henry's favorite thing. He likes taking rides, giving rides, running with it while Beta bites the wheels, picking up treasure he finds in the yard,(not beta's treasure). And as you can see he likes carrying as much stuff in it as he can.
Yesterday we went on a walk and he pulled it while I picked up trash along the way. It was fun, and I think he feels so big and important pulling it around.

Anyway Eli cut a ball that no longer had air and made him a hat, he didnt really know what was happening, but dont worry Henry Im sure these are some photos that I'll show your wife or put in your senior yearbook page.


I know this is like the same photo but I liked them both..
hahaha thinking about his next move
love him


  1. Nice, he looks big and important!

  2. He is, Big Big Big Big boy.

  3. Beffy this is wonderful!!!! ;-)
    Sorry we missed you. Our trip was fast and furiously filled with apartment/house hunting for My and Son-In-Love (to be). Dropping off School Supplies for Adopt and Eagle; Appts and finalizing college preperations paper work, and job hunting. YIKES but fun!

  4. HEEEY is ok:) kinda the same for me, busy but I dont know when the last time I wasnt. This mini me is busy busy busy all the time in turn I am as well:) Missed you too. Love you guys hope all is well.
